How Can Teeth Implants Improve Your Life? | Learn About the Value of Teeth Implants

Long-term Solutions For a Better Quality of Life

teeth implants model

Are you missing teeth due to an injury or decay? Do you struggle to keep your traditional dentures in while eating or talking? If any of these sounds like a problem you’re facing, you may require permanent teeth implants. 

But what are permanent teeth implants? Great question! Teeth implants are false tooth roots that can replace your missing, broken, or decayed teeth with a permanent solution. Teeth implants are popular because they look and feel like your natural teeth and boost your confidence when you talk, smile, or eat.

Teeth implants are better than traditional dentures because they are permanent and resistant to slips and slides. 

Not only are teeth implants permanent, but they also feel comfortable. It seems ridiculous to call permanent teeth comfortable, but doctors truly can achieve this.

Doctors use a titanium implant that fuses with the bone cells of your jaw. The fusion creates a long-lasting and strong bond between your permanent tooth and jaw bone. Teeth implants will help you forget about your missing or decayed teeth and get you back to feeling like yourself again.

What Different Types of Teeth Implants Can You Choose From?

There are 3 main affordable dental implants you can choose from: single dental implant, secure upper denture, and secure lower denture. Each implant has a slightly different purpose. Read on to learn more affordable dental implants and which one is right for you.

Single Dental Implant

The name speaks for itself, a single dental implant replaces a single tooth. A single dental implant is a great fix for your smile and confidence. With just a single dental implant, you can be reassured that the integrity of the surrounding teeth will be preserved. Any type of permanent implant will not decay over time, therefore preventing future bone loss. 

Secure Upper Denture 

When you need multiple teeth replaced in your top gums, a secure upper denture is the way to go. Many traditional upper dentures become loose and more painful the longer you have them. Dentures also shift while you eat and talk. In some cases, they can even affect the way you taste and enjoy food. A secure upper denture eliminates all of those concerns. It only requires 4 teeth implants to secure the entire upper denture. 

Secure Lower Denture secure lower denture | teeth implants

A secure lower denture is just like an upper denture, except it requires only two teeth implants rather than four. A secure lower denture helps to provide support for your normal facial contour.

Traditional lower dentures are difficult to keep in place due to their horseshoe shape and the awkward space left for your tongue. Two simple teeth implants can secure your permanent lower denture and provide additional stability to your smile. 


Where Can You Find Affordable Dental Implants Providers?

affordable dental implants | teeth implants

If you think you’re ready to seek out a provider for affordable dental implants, insurance plans are a big factor to consider. If you have your own insurance with dental coverage, great! But if you don’t have the coverage you need, many dental offices offer their own affordable insurance plans. 

Teeth implants don’t have to be out of the question for you due to cost. If you find a dental office that you believe will do the best job and provide affordable dental implants insurance, you’ve found a winner. Your health and well-being should always come first, so take the time to find the right teeth implants provider for you.