Dos and Don’ts to Get the Best Results From Dermal Fillers Near Me

Dermal fillers have been a popular part of cosmetic medicine for years. Nearly 3 million men and women choose to get dermal filler treatments annually. When done by a qualified physician from dermal fillers near me, it can look completely natural. People who want to simply smooth out lines from laughing or forehead wrinkles can do that through dermal fillers. It is a convenient and easy way to get natural, youthful results. To make sure you get the best and most long-lasting results, follow these dermal fillers near me dos and don’ts.

Dermal Fillers near me

Do Prepare Yourself Prior to Getting Dermal Fillers Near Me

Dermal fillers near me - woman getting syringes

Are you thinking about getting injections? Or have you already decided to get dermal fillers? Whatever route you choose, deciding to get dermal fillers is a big decision. You need to prepare yourself before you get a consultation. There is a substantial amount of information regarding fillers, and it is normal to feel overwhelmed. Most importantly, follow these simple steps:

  • DO get dermal filler injections from a qualified physician. Non-surgical filler treatments require physicians to have specialized training, knowledge, and skill to ensure natural-looking results. Find a provider that has a proven background in cosmetic medicine, including reputable training, many years of experience performing filler treatments, and a well-developed eye for cosmetic aesthetic. Select a board-certified cosmetic surgeon with an extensive knowledge of facial anatomy from dermal fillers near me.
  • DO complete a lot of research. Research different types of fillers, how to prepare for this type of procedure, what is recommended for aftercare, and what the FDA recommends. That way, when you first meet with your doctor you will be able to have an informed discussion regarding the injection process. 
  • DON’T give into pressure from your physician to have the fillers done the same day as your consultation. It is best to take some time to think about the impact of this procedure. Only get dermal fillers when you are 100% ready.
  • DO disclose all of your medical history to your physician. It is extremely important that you do this because certain medicines, allergies, or conditions can jeopardize your safety or results. For example, if someone has a history of facial cold sores, then needle punctures will increase the chances of getting acne. By disclosing all of your medical history, your provider can choose the best course of plan to meet your expectations in the safest way possible.
  •  DO ask your provider about the type of filler they will be using. Knowing the ingredients and the risks involved is important. 
  • DO tell your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. These products have not been tested for safety by the FDA during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

 What to do Prior to Procedure

Dermal fillers near me - lips and a syringe
  • DON’T take over the counter pain medication for a week prior to your procedure. Blood-thinning medications can increase the risk of bleeding, bruising, and complications during and after the procedure.
  • DON’T wax, tweeze, bleach, or use any hair removal products on the treatment area for at least 2 days before the procedure.
  • DON’T use topical products on the treatment area for at least two days before the treatment. These products include Retinol, Retin-A, Retinoids, glycolic acid, and anything labeled anti-aging. 
  • DON’T take any supplements one week before getting dermal fillers. Treatments such as Vitamin E, Primrose oil, and ginseng can exacerbate swelling or bruising.
  • DON’T drink alcohol for at least 72 hours before the procedure. Alcohol has blood-thinning properties that can lead to bruising and inflammation.

What to do After Your Procedure

Dermal fillers near me - woman getting syringes
  • DON’T drink alcohol for 24 hours after the procedure to avoid inflammation and dehydration.
  • DO ask your injector about protocol regarding icing the treatment areas. It is often recommended to ice the areas on and off throughout the day. 
  • DON’T exercise for at least 24 hours after the procedure. Strenuous activity will increase blood flow and movement can push the fillers out of place. 
  • DON’T touch, massage, or rub the injection sites for at least 24 hours. Pressure of any kind can force the fillers out of place.
  • DON’T expose yourself to direct sunlight for at least 48 hours after the injections. Your skin will be extra sensitive and UV light may cause sun damage. 
  • DON’T wear makeup for at least 24 hours after the procedure. The injection sites need time to heal before they are covered by makeup. 
  • DO drink lots of water. Fillers respond best to hydrated skin. 
  • DO follow instructions given to you by your doctor regarding after-care for the best and longest-lasting results.

DO Search for Dermal Fillers Near Me

If you are looking for a high-quality cosmetic surgeon who can help with dermal fillers near me, having all of this initial information in mind will help.